Monday, February 10, 2020

CIRCLE TIME QUESTIONS FOR Olivia's Jar of Inspiration



·      you enjoyed the story
·      if you have ever held a stick insect
·      you think the story could happen in Australia
·      the story is just about hot chocolate
·      you have ever tasted home-made pickles or jam
·      you think Olivia did the right thing in talking to her Marmar
·      you think you have ever felt like Olivia
·      you thought Marmar should have asked more questions about Olivia’s problem
·      you think you know what Olivia’s problem was about
·      you think that Olivia’s Marmar is the hero in the story
·      you know why Marmar’s project was unfinished
·      you think you understand what mirror-talk is about 
·      you know a person just like Olivia
·      you would change something about the story


·      The best thing about the story was…
·      The story made me feel…
·      The character I liked best was…
·      I think the story is about…
·      The hero of the story was…
·      The character in the story most like me was…
·      If I were Olivia, I think that I would have…
·      I think the most important part of the story was…
·      What puzzled me about the story was…
·      Something I would like to change in the story is…
·      I think that the main message in the story is…
·      If I were Olivia’s Marmar I would…
·      If I were one of Olivia’s friends I would …
·      I think the link between Olivia’s sadness and the picture she had of herself was…
·      In this story another word for inspiration could be…
·      Something sweeter than chocolate and honey is…
·      When Marmar said ‘sickly-sweet’ I think she meant…


Any of the above open-ended statements can be used with ‘because’ added on the end as well as:

·      The story was interesting because…
·      The character in the story I liked the most was… because…
·      I think Olivia’s problem was… because…
·      I think that ……… is the hero in the story because…
·      The link between Jessica’s sadness and the picture she had of herself was… because…
·      I think Olivia’s Marmar chose to use scrolls because…
·      Instead of scrolls I think I would have used…because…
·      I think Marmar got in ‘such a mess’ because…
·      I think it took a couple of weeks before Olivia began to feel different because…
·      When I heard that Marmar’s project was unfinished I thought… because…
·      When I heard ‘Pickled Inspiration’, I thought… because…
·      I think that Olivia’s favourite scroll was… because…
·      When Olivia’s mum cried I was… because…

PAIR SHARE (with the person next to you in the circle):

·      What was the best part of the story? Why?
·      What was Olivia’s problem? Why?
·      Who was your favourite character in the story? Why?
·      What was the turning point in this story? Why?
·      Were there any issues of right and wrong within this story? If so what were they?
·      Why do you think that Marmar focused on self-talk rather than on Olivia’s sadness?
·      Why do you think it took a couple of weeks before Olivia began to feel different?

 for older students.
Reminder: This is also an opportunity for the teacher / facilitator to come back to any observations during the previous CIRCLE TIME activities and open them up for discussion.

·      Are there any deeper issues of concern about Olivia’s sadness which suggest she perhaps should speak to a trained counselor or psychologist? If so, what might they be?
·      What other responsibilities might Olivia’s Marmar have had?
·      Why do you think that the last piece of inspiration was not written on a scroll?
·      What responsibility might Olivia’s friends or teachers have?
·      What issues of self-harm might arise from this story?
·      What does this story say about our thoughts, words and feelings?
·      Look up the extensive list of Inspirations on this blog and discuss.
·      What is a catastrophe? What is a catastrophiser? Draw up a class CATASTROPHE SCALE.
·      What is the difference between a tradition and a legacy? Which Which is more relevant to this story?


For an extensive list of Inspirational Quotes CLICK HERE

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